banner picture of the band playing and logo banner picture of the band playing and logo banner picture of the band playing and logo

The Alabama Slammers began in July 1998…the lazy peace of a summer evening in a tranquil Essex backwater was unexpectedly shattered as the rough-edged raw beginnings of a new band exploded into life…..”We’re gonna Dig the Boogie and Rock the Joint” was their message…

6 months on, there was more of them, more music, they’d all got the same clothes… the dance floors were jumpin’ to the rockin’ rollin’ swingin’ jivin’ stompin’ good time boogie sound of the hottest new band on the scene…the ALABAMA SLAMMERS!

A big, big sound….take a solid beat of drums, double bass and piano, flavour with guitar, saxes, harmonica and trumpet, top with high energy vocals, and shake up a cocktail of Rythmn’n’Blues, Rock’n’Roll, Swing Jive’n’Boogie….thats Slammin’!

musician playing saxaphone